Chores do more than keep a clean house


Kids need structure to feel safe in their environment. If we develop routines and expectations as a family your kids will be more motivated to set and work towards goals that benefit the entire household. One of the easiest ways to establish a routine is with a chore chart. 

By learning that everyone in the family has an important role to play and chores are more than just tasks, children will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing they have contributed to their family’s well-being. Another benefit is that chores can teach empathy and consideration for others. They discover that we all work together to maintain a clean safe living space.

Collaboration is a social skill that children need in every aspect of their lives and can be practiced during this exercise.  Maybe they jump in when they notice a sibling struggling with their job, or find that if they work together with their family members they can complete their chores faster. By implementing a chore chart, every member of the household learns the value of teamwork while building EQ along the way!

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