Kindness Matters Box: Empathy in Action

“Kindness Matters” focuses on the emotional intelligence skill “empathy”.  When our children have empathy, it leads to positive interactions and stronger relationships with others.  Another benefit of building empathy is that it encourages our children to be kind. Our EQ Crew members Mindful Miles, Sunny Sydney and Kind Kiera join the “Kindness Matters” box to help teach children that intentional acts of kindness can be easy and fun.

They also remind us of the importance of being kind to ourselves.  

This box includes:

  • Read: “Be the Difference” by Jayneen Sanders 

  • Play:  Empathy Thumball

  • Practice:  Be Kind Jar, Parenting Tools to Go Card

  • Tool:  Infinity Cube, Compassion Breathing Exercise Cards
